The 4th International Conference of Transdisciplinary Research on Environmental Problems in Southeast Asia (TREPSEA) was held as an online conference from September 16 to 18 and the participants addressed the important themes of “Managing Ecological Risks and Natural Disasters in Southeast Asia: Challenges for Food Security, Public Health, and Economic Welfare”.
Announcement for Publication
Dear authors,
We successfully published the following manuscripts at IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental ScienceVolume 1027 2022 (URL:
The TREPSEA Committee
TREPSEA 2021 Conference Book
TREPSEA’ News & Events
Participants including prominent keynote and invited speakers from various disciplines will address important global matters at TREPSEA 2021 International Conference.
Keynote & Invited Speakers
Prominent persons from the fields of environmental sciences, ecology, agriculture, agribusiness, etc. will deliver speeches.
Different Sub-Themes
TREPSEA 2021 Lampung is calling for papers that address various issues that we are currently facing in the world.
TREPSEA 2021 Organizers
TREPSEA 2021 International Conference is organized by University of Lampung as the host organization, and co-organized by Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and Gorontalo State University (UNG).

University of Lampung

Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)

Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)

Gorontalo State University (UNG)
Supporting Institutions


Future Earth

IAGI (Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia)

Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia (PERHEPI)
For any inquiries, contact to [email protected]
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